You Just Had a Baby: 5 Communication Tips to Help You Get Your Body Back

A 2014 article published in Physical Therapy listed several barriers to exercise that pregnant women identified. Some of these obstacles included new physical limitations, a sense of exclusion at the fitness center, and lack of understanding from others. My guess is that these feelings only intensify for new moms once baby comes, creating a slew of road blocks to getting back to a place where you feel like “you” again physically.

I am not a mom, but I have a lot of friends who are, and I see the struggles they go through to balance work, school, spouse, friends, family, and so much more. It’s no wonder that new moms struggle to figure out how to add fitness into their already crazy schedules. This post is dedicated to all the hard working new mommies who are looking for tips on how to make their bodies healthy again after delivery.

Not being happy with your body decreases self-esteem and increases stress, which is not a good recipe for weight loss. Below are 5 ways that improved communication can help you shed post-baby weight in healthy and safe ways.

1. Talk to Your Doctor

Schedule a doctor’s appointment specifically to discuss your weight loss. Get clearance to begin a workout routine. Your doctor will be able to give you a realistic idea of how long it will take you to lose the weight.

Also, be sure to ask your doctor how many calories you should be eating. Dipping below your body’s calorie needs can actually cause it to go into starvation mode. This can slow down your weight loss because your body begins to store fat as a protection mechanism. In other words, don’t forget to eat!

2. Ask for Help

Social support is so important to your mental and physical health, and is especially necessary when you have a baby. If you had trouble asking for help before having a child, chances are you are still struggling to accept help now.

Do you ever have these thoughts:

  • I don’t want to bother anyone.
  • I should be able to handle it all myself.
  • Everyone else works hard too, I feel guilty asking them to do more so I can take a break.

If you have these thoughts then chances are you are not asking for enough help, or not accepting offers from others who want to help you. Being aware of this habit is the first step to change it. Now, write down a list of local, reliable family and friends who can help you by either babysitting for a short period while you head to the gym or cheering you on as you reach your fitness goals. Oh, and remember your significant other as well; it is not babysitting if they are watching their own child!

3. Schedule Your Workout

Did you know that time is actually a form of nonverbal communication? If there is one thing I have learned from friends about having a baby it’s that everything is now at a scheduled time. Naps, feedings, baths, and bedtimes are all pre-scheduled to keep your little one on track. Including your workouts into that schedule will help you be more likely to do them. Also remember you don’t have to do a 60 minute intensive cardio session to have a successful workout. If walking with your kid around the block is more manageable, start with that.

4. Workout at Home

If you are a self-motivator but just can’t seem to find the time to get to a gym (or don’t want to leave your kids at the gym’s daycare center) consider investing in a small amount of home exercise equipment. I suggest starting with: 3-12 pound weights, bands, a yoga mat, all of which you can buy at Target or any sports equipment store.

Next, look into at-home workout dvds. I swear, they have come very far from the headband and leotard days! I suggest Beachbody workouts because I have had personal success with them and know many moms who have successfully shed post-delivery pounds using them as well.

Even though Beachbody is known for their extreme workouts like P90X and Insanity, they also have several workouts meant to help those who are not prepared for that level of intensity.

If you want a low-impact (aka less jumping) workout that has proven results, look into Slim in 6




or Brazil Butt Lift (Yes, it’s a super cheesy name, but I really enjoy this workout!)

Using dvds can make working out alone a little less lonely, and even though they are on the tv, these workout hosts are true motivators that provide that needed support to push you through your workout.

But do remember, before starting any workout, double-check with your doctor to make sure it’s okay for you, since every post-baby body is different.

5. Join a Local Mom Workout Group

If you prefer to be outdoors, a final option is to look up local groups in your area where you can work out with other moms and their kids. Check out for mom-centric fitness programs like Stroller Strides and Body Back that can be found around the country. These are also wonderful programs to increase social support!


These five tips are meant to be spring boards to take action. Weight loss is always a slow process. Your body has been through so much including over nine months to change and grow, a physically demanding childbirth, and weeks or months of sleep deprivation, which means that it will take at least as much time to get back to your pre-baby weight.

Be patient, grow your support team and remember, by getting into shape, you’ll be teaching your baby from the start that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of others.

Do you have other tips for new moms looking to get back into shape? Post a comment below!

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